Sunday, May 18, 2008

What am I doing?

That is the question I have been asking myself for four weeks now.

As I post this blog, I find myself reflecting on the weekend. My mom at the age of 59 graduated with her master's degree yesterday. Talk about a roll model!! I've been working in my field since I was 19 and I'm ready for a change sooner rather than later. Why in the world didn't I pay more attention when she was complaining about "APA"?

So the answer to my own question is, I'm trying to "attain" a graduate degree. It's far more complicated than I thought it would be. Like everyone else, I'm a working adult with a family and friends who are incredibly supportive. Working 65 hours a week on average doesn't allow me to be a 4.0 student, so I couldn't be more happy that I'm in a class with like-minded people who are all in the same situation.

Beyond the hours of preparation for class each week, I find my biggest challenge is the way I research. I've been trained to research in support of a position (or in support of a client's case) so researching objectively on a given subject, and presenting both sides is beyond difficult.

My goal: one class at a time - one trimester at a time. Hopefully I'll be done before I'm 59!


Melissa said...

Your mom must be one dedicated lady! What a great roll model! I'm sure you can do it too.

Kris said...

I love the nod to "attaining" a graduate degree- your mom is a role model- as we all have been saying, we will get through it too-thankfully we know we have each other to help when needed!

John DeSando said...

A--You'll never really be done. JD